Let Us Help You Fix Your Credit 


Our Mission To You

At Credit Therapy

We strive to offer our clients the best service during the Credit Restoration and Rebuilding Process 

Who Are We?

We  SPECIALIZE in identifying inaccurate and unverifiable information on your credit report and challenging this with the Credit Bureaus and Colle

Financial Education

During the credit therapy process, we will provide you with information and the education you need to continue raising your credit score.

Our Promise To You

We promise to provide you with the best possible service. As with Credit Repair we cannot Promise Results but we Promise to use our knowledge towards gaining the best results 

My Story

Enrolling into college at Troy University, and gaining a Masters degree in Counseling did not satisfy my curiosity for learning about finances. My Lack of credit education opened the door to a poor financial start at the very young age of 19. It drove me to begin researching financial literacy and credit education.

As I began to rebuild my own credit, I decided that I wanted to help someone else get out of the same situation that had held me hostage for years. Landing a career at a local Housing Authority where I have been able to provide credit education and financial literacy workshops to residents that are ready to move from poverty to stability for the past 7 years has been very rewarding. I have been able to educate mothers with the necessary credit tools and watch them go from public housing to homeownership.

My desire to help more women go from renting to owning led me to become a mortgage loan assistant. It was important for me to have the inside scoop on how everything works on the home buying side of things to continue helping families in reaching their ultimate goals. It is my mission to not only assist you in repairing your credit, but most importantly provide you with credit education that will stick with you for a lifetime.

Ashley Goldsby

CEO of Credit Therapy

I Specialize In Helping Women Learn Their FINANCIAL WORTH & Teaching The Importance of FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE

Meet Your Credit Therapist

OUR Services

We will prepare a clear and detailed credit analysis/audit to identify areas within your credit that need improvement to increase your credit score. With our Program, we create custom credit action plans to improve current credit score! We will also identify area of your credit that need rebuilding and offer your rebuilding products that can get help get you to your credit goals 

Credit Analysis
  • Review your credit report for inaccurate items.
  • Review of outdated or unverifiable accounts.
  • Review your credit report for inaccurate personal data
  • Review all accounts with high credit utilization.
  • Create a plan on how to fix information.
  • Create a plan to raise your credit score
  • Build a plan to rebuild your credit score.
  • Provide you with a detailed credit analysis
  • Consult with you regarding your detailed action plan.
Credit Repair Services
  • Analysis and review of client file status.
  • Respond and receive correspondence by mail.
  • Review credit report monthly to determine next action.
  • Create a strategic plan to help client reach their goals.
  • Create and send dispute letters to creditors.
  • Create and send dispute letters to collectors.
  • Create and send dispute letters to credit bureaus.
  • Create and send dispute letters to repository companies 
  • Assist with credit question/process.
  • Provide credit education.
  • Provide ongoing budget and spending recommendations.
  • Provide client portal with 24/7 access .

Contact US

7806 Vaughn Road Unit 30, Montgomery, AL 36116 



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What We Provide at Credit Therapy Clients 
We Help You Find The Root Cause of Your Not So Perfect Credit